Basically one more carbon bed is provided so that two carbon beds are on regeneration and, in addition, two separate condensers for water and solvents, operating at different conditions, obtaining recovered solvent with low water content.
The big advantages of the new technology are the following:
Lower investment cost (~7 %)
Lower regeneration gas flow rate
Excellent saving of thermal energy (0,5÷1,3 KWh/Kg solvent)
Higher exhaust air purity (higher solvents recovery)
Lower electrical energy consumption (0,8÷1,1 KWh/Kg solvent)
Nitrogen specific consumption (0,1 Nm³/ Kg solvent)
Higher reliability towards solvents easily decomposable (ex.: Ketones)
DAMMER new IGT technology includes the following processes to be chosen case by case.
Higt purity of the exhaust air / gas (20 ÷ 70 mg/m³).
Very low heat it requirement (about 50% of the existing technologies consumption).
Low water content in the solvent.
Specially suitable when high boiling solvents (boiling point > 100 °C) or easily decomposable solvents are also present.
Low heat requirement.
Higher purity of the exhaust air / gas (5 ÷ 30 mg/m³).
Low water content in the solvent.
Very low water content in the solvents (< 0,2% wt.)