Concentration Plants

The concentration process is widely applied mainly in the chemical industry.

Scope of this process is the separation of a liquid in form of vapour from a solution of solids in the liquid.

Typical applications

Inorganic acids solution
Salts solution
Sugar solution
Caustic soda solution


It is known that in a steel works process there is a unit of pickling of the steel plates which is performed by direct contact of the plates with a diluted hydrochloric acid water solution (~ 20% HCl).

From the pickling operation the resulting liquid is a solution of iron chloride (FeCl2) and water with some free hydrochloric acid.

Previously this solution was wasted with very high cost due to the big quantities involved (~ 5000 kg/h).

DAMMER supplied an oxidation unit to oxidize the FeCl2 to FeCl3.

The FeCl3 water solution obtained (~ 25% FeCl3) is fed to a double effect concentration plant producing a 40% FeCl3 water solution which can be easily sold for waste water treatment plants.